ACT Funded Programs

LEAD RTO |  ACT Funded Programs

ACT Skilled Capital

Skilled Capital is an ACT Government funded training initiative. Skilled Capital offers a comprehensive range of services to provide Canberrans the support they need to complete the training that is right for them. Skilled Capital will improve access to high quality training in areas of skills needs and maximise improved employment opportunities for students.

ACT Traineeships (User Choice)

Please find below the list of the qualifications that LEAD delivers under the Skilled Capital and Traineeship program.

Code Qualification Title Skilled Capital Tuition Fee User Choice Tuition Fee
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business TBA TBA
CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services TBA TBA
CHC30221 Certificate III in School Based Education Support TBA TBA
CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services TBA TBA
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support TBA TBA
CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services TBA TBA
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support TBA TBA
CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support TBA TBA
CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health TBA TBA
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services TBA TBA

Please note prices listed in the above table are subject to change.

As a minimum, a learner must be (at the time of enrolment):

  • An Australian citizen, Permanent Resident, or New Zealand passport holder resident for more than 6 months, or
  • A person who holds a visa that is identified as being eligible,
  • Living or working in the ACT
  • At least 15 years of age
    • Not enrolled in or attending secondary school or college except where the student:
      is undertaking a course of study leading to completion of year 12 in an alternative program, or
    • has an Exemption Certificate and the selected Skilled Capital qualification is an approved Australian School-based Apprenticeship pathway

Students are only subsidised for one Skilled Capital Qualification at at time.

Visas are subject to change at any time by the Australian Government.

  • 100 – Partner (migrant)102 – Adoption
  • 115 – Remaining relative (permanent)
  • 116 – Carer (permanent)
  • 124 – Distinguished talent
    132 – Business talent
  • 186 – Employer nomination scheme
  • 187 – Regional sponsored migration scheme
  • 189 – Skilled independent
  • 190 – Skilled nominated
  • 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 and 866 – Permanent humanitarian visas
  • 300 – Prospective marriage
  • 309 – Partner (provisional)
  • 445 – Dependent child
  • 449 – Temporary humanitarian concern
  • 785 – Temporary protection
  • 786 – Temporary humanitarian stay
  • 790 – Safe haven enterprise
  • 801 – Partner (permanent)
  • 802 – Child
  • 820 – Partner (temporary)
  • 887 – Skilled regional
  • 888 – Business innovation and investment (permanent)
  • Criminal justice stay (subclass ZB 951) visa holders who are victims of human trafficking and slavery
  • A bridging visa where the substantive visa appears on the eligible visa type list (evidence of both the bridging and substantive visa must be collected)
  • Refugees and asylum seekers who hold a bridging visa A, B, C or E (a current ACT Services Access Card provides acceptable evidence that an individual is an asylum seeker)

The enrolment process requires the following criteria to be met:

  • Valid USI (Unique Student Identifier)
  • Learner Eligibility Check
  • Application/Enrolment Form(s)
  • Initial Skills Assessment (LLN)
  • Two (2) forms of identification

Learners who successfully complete their qualification are eligible for a completion payment. A completion payment will be paid directly to the learner upon completion of the qualification and a survey. The completion payment is $300 for each qualification and $100 for each Skill Set.

Learners will be eligible to receive the completion payment for up to one (1) year after the date deemed competent, provided up to date email and bank account details are confirmed.

A learner is not eligible for a completion payment where more than 50% of the units are achieved through RPL.

A learner may be eligible for a completion payment if more than 50% of the units are achieved via credit transfer where the achievement is the result of a ‘change qualification’ variation.This completion payment eligibility criteria will apply to students that complete a qualification on or after 1 January 2019.

For more information regarding the completion payment please contact Skills Canberra on 02 6205 8555.

‘Skilled Capital is an ACT Government training initiative, funded by the ACT and Australian Governments.’


Great Experience – I highly recommend the program.  Gives great insight to Mental Illness and how to manage it in certain situations.

The stand-out aspect of the program was the information and detail.  The facilitator showed respect with all questions we asked and explained in detail if we were stuck or needed more clarification.  The pictures and graphs used were perfect and content was amazing.
Vanessa , Abermain

I highly recommend the program. It was a great weekend in a relaxed, supportive environment (considering the topics covered).  The stand-out aspect of the program was learning deeper about depression and anxiety.  The trainer was an excellent presenter, he was very knowledgeable about the subject.  

I have spent my weekend completing a course in Mental Health First Aid and I would recommend it to everyone, whilst I’m no expert, I’ve learned a lot about human behavior and recognition in my life (and will continue to learn more) but I got so much out of this weekend.

Chris, Glendale

I highly recommend the program, its a very worthwhile course.  The stand-out aspect of the program was outlining the importance of communication and asking direct honest questions particularly about the mental state of the person. 

The trainer was very knowledgeable and experienced, but also someone who is passionate about helping people.  This is a very worthwhile course which gives a greater understanding of mental health issues and my ability to provide assistance.

Rob, Maitland


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