Project Description
Your Rights & Responsibilities
LEAD RTO are here to support you.
By signing the Application/Enrolment form and paying your fees, you entered a formal contract with LEAD RTO under which you agreed to the terms and conditions of the enrolment specified and agreed to abide by the Code of Conduct you will find outlined below and in your Student Handbook.
All participants/students are expected to treat their fellow students and staff with respect. At LEAD RTO we strive to maintain the following “basic principles” of interpersonal behaviour:
- focus on the situation, issue or behaviour, not on the person
- support the self-confidence and esteem of others
- maintain constructive relationships with staff and fellow students
- take the initiative to make things better
- lead by example
It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that these principles are adhered to at all times
Students have a right to:
- learn in a safe, secure and clean environment
- be treated fairly and equitably and with respect by other Learners and staff
- learn in an environment free of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation
- receive encouragement and support during the course of their training
- have their personal information and privacy protected
- have the results of their progress stored securely and maintained accurately
- be able to access their personal Learner records on request
- obtain information about assessments and the assessment process in advance of an assessment
- receive adequate comment from trainer/assessors about their performance in class and after an assessment, and about their progress in the course
- make a complaint by using the proper procedure and have it treated confidentially and dealt with fairly and quickly
- have the right to appeal against any decision made in relation to a complaint they make
- discuss their concerns or problems confidentially with staff
- Learners are always encouraged to follow internal complaints and appeals procedures wherever possible.
- Learners are required to:
- be courteous and polite to, and respectful of, each other and staff
- cooperate with each other and staff
- take all steps to improve teamwork and interpersonal communication
- adhere to all health and safety requirements at all times (whether written or spoken)
- behave in an appropriate and acceptable way and not do anything that may cause anyone else offence or embarrassment (This includes not swearing or using offensive language; not using threatening or abusive language; and not harassing, bullying or victimising anyone.)
- not do anything that disrupts a class or the learning of other Learners
- attempt to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings immediately they arise
- be punctual, regular and committed, and take responsibility and ownership for their own learning and their own actions
- sign any attendance register required (85% attendance is required)
- maintain satisfactory course progress
- provide accurate information about themselves and promptly inform LEAD RTO of any change in their details
- pay relevant fees when they are due
- not smoke, consume alcohol or drugs in the college premises; not enter the college under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs; not bring alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons to the college
- use mobile phones or paging devices in class or in any assessment situation
- prepare adequately for assessment, submit assessment tasks (such as assignments) by the due date, and ask for an extension of time if exceptional circumstances require it
- not engage in plagiarism or cheating of any kind
- dress suitably at all times
- not steal, damage, or misuse any LEAD RTO equipment or resources or anyone else’s property